By T:Zero Coach and qualified Nutritionist Scotty Farrell
The demands of daily training require the body to be replenished with nature’s goodness! With whaaaat!? That’s right, nature’s goodness. In her infinite wisdom, Mother Nature provided a healthy lashing of this stuff they call real food ;-) Inside that real food is vast array of legit real treats for our ever regenerating cells… these things are called nutrients and come in many forms. The absolute basic premise of training is to apply a certain amount of stress on the body which in essence is making tiny little tears within our muscles which then get repaired while we rest and get stronger as we go- if you let them recover properly that is. In order for our bodies to repair fully, they need rest and they need nutrients in the form of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Most crucial to recovery out of those three macros are protein, which is made up of a range of amino acids and have the job of repairing/rebuilding muscles; and carbohydrate which has the job of replenishing your muscle glycogen (glucose storage / sugar for your muscles) and generally providing us with energy. Okay, ‘enough science stuff already’ I hear you saying. The reason I’m going on about this is that I’m a firm believer that there is no better source of protein and carbohydrate than real, unadulterated, whole food goodness. As opposed to all the protein shakes, choccy milk and everything else processed to the nines and branded as being ‘the best recovery fuel’. |
May 2017
ACAI BOWL LOVERSBy T:Zero Coach Bonnie Atherton
If you’re like me and struggle to go past the ol’ acai bowl at a café for breakfast then you will enjoy me in my excitement when I saw that Coles (might not be at all) now stocks Frozen Acai Puree from the popular company Creative Gourmet. They have even separated the acai into 4 easy sachets for convenience :) You may think $8 for 400g of Acai seems expensive… but think about what you pay at the shops for just 1, anywhere from $12-18 dollars right? Buy the toppings and they last you multiple acai deliciousness. For those of you who haven’t caught onto the craze and are wondering what Acai is… The acai berry is one of the healthiest berries in the current market. Acai is an indigenous berry commonly found in the rain forests of the Amazon. The Acai Berry is said to have many health benefits including heart health by lowering cholesterol, helps digestion, healthy skin and is an immune booster being high in Vitamin C (2 x that of oranges). |
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