Free advice, content and media for all. It's our way of giving back to the tri community who have given so much to us. Enjoy!
One of the things I love most about working with a team of like ‘growth-minded’ individuals are all the incidental questions and conversations happening in the background. Whilst we’re all made from the same dough and have similar thoughts and practical methods… we’re all baked in a different oven, so the slight nuances in perspectives makes for great learning. The ability to ask a question, despite perhaps the fear of seeming ill equipped, is something we really want to promote and foster with our coaching team. And I’m a firm believer that if you hear coaches, businesses etc telling you they have the ingredients for the best secret sauce around… be warned. Moving on… let’s dive in for a bit of a summary of some of what has been on the discussion boards this past couple of months.
There you have a small sample of the kinds of discussions the coaching team partakes in on a regular basis. We will have more in depth articles coming out very soon on topics like the ones mentioned above, but we thought we’d share what we’re up to in the interim. What’s coming up for the coaching team? Next up, on the 7th of September, our coaching team are getting together in person for a morning of practical learning and development. We’ve got a returning NLP practitioner from last year’s PD day coming back to extend on ‘belief systems’, and another presenter who will be upskilling our coaching team on the finer arts of word sleuthing, content creation. Add to this our own discussions and team building work across the morning and voila… more tools in the kit. Many of our coaches are also currently busy doing their own studies with Training Peaks Certifications, Triathlon Australia re accreditations and new accreditations, Swimming Australia re accreditations, HIIT Science, and more. It’s a hive of learning and growth is the T:Zero coaching and athlete team environment and it’s super cool to be a part of… why aren’t you? ;-) Coach SF
AuthorSAn amazing collection of training and racing advice from the T:Zero Multisport coaches- with the occasional guest blogger! Read this blog to help you live your potential! Categories
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