Free advice, content and media for all. It's our way of giving back to the tri community who have given so much to us. Enjoy!
Let’s talk business… and the current state of the world. I am no means a business expert. However living with three intelligent folk who love talking business, I do pick up a few general themes that every now and then make me pause and think huh, sometimes business mimics life! One such business topic is the INFLECTION POINT. In business, an inflection point is an event that results in a significant change in the progress of a business, a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. In 2020, to me, it is obvious that COVID was an inflection point for a large percentage of triathletes and endurance sport folk. We all had decisions to make when COVID hit. The business of moving forward with exercise or training came down to each individual. For a large percentage, these decisions resulted in a training inflection point - some had renewed vigor around training and exercise as part of their lives. Others let it all fade to dust and stopped training and exercise all together.
For the ones who decided on the upward trajectory, life still had to change. I fondly remember the initial wave of enthusiasm and rush to secure a couple of kettlebells or dumbells for the home gym. Bunnings stocking gym equipment. There was the sellout of indoor trainers, bikes, the Zwift craze, yoga online and the slew of virtual events that still continues to flow through the social media. Some discovered a newfound appreciation for outdoor activities, mountain biking, open water swimming, kyacking and trail running. Very few parts of society and life have flowed onward without some scarring by the pandemic. Sport has, necessarily or not, faded into the background as the management of the nation’s physical and economic health has become a more critical and immediate issue. Yet despite the craziness of the world around us, one thing that truly stands out to me is that our RIGHT to exercise and train has remained an untouchable factor, … matter the lockdown status imposed. Despite pools and gyms being forced to close, races being cancelled, and community sport having been taken off the table for a period. For all but the few quarantined folk, we all HAVE retained our ability and right to exercise and train during COVID. Yes it has required some creativity at times to continue. But ultimately - the decision to train or exercise had been ours alone, not COVID’s. So, for those who may have decided to put their endurance goals to aside and lay off the focus and dedication, I wonder why? We all know the positive impact of structured training has on our physical and mental health and if we truly want to achieve those goals, nothing should stand in our way, not even COVID. And for those of us still training, still focused, are we progressing in the direction we want? So as we hit a potential second wave of the virus and uncertainty, it may now be the perfect time to review your trajectory and create a second COVID inflection point. By making a decision about your direction, locking into a goal or creating a positive change to your mindset. For me, I have made the decision to dig my heels in right now, believe that races will eventually return and be totally optimistic about the future of our sport. That is my inflection point. Bring on the upward trajectory. Explore deeply, live boldy. Coach Heidi Click here to learn more about Coach Heidi and what incredible work she is doing for her athletes
AuthorSAn amazing collection of training and racing advice from the T:Zero Multisport coaches- with the occasional guest blogger! Read this blog to help you live your potential! Categories
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