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NEW DIET ALERT - LPHR (Low Processed High Real) With so many diets hitting the streets of late. It seems only just that we should just start our own and jump on the band-wagon for some prime time BS! Except, I’m for real, in every sense of the word. 100% real food, no labels, no packaging, straight from the earth, into my gizzards, full of nutrients, real food. You know, like a vegetable and stuff. Or fruit from a tree. A nut. A seed. Or ethically treated, organically raised, home grown animal meat. (Let’s not go down the vegan v carnivore debate right now please). What does grind my gears is the amount of LCHF, GAPS, Atkins, HCLF blah blah out there confusing the bejesus out of everyone and anyone. Even I get confused and I just finished a 3 year nutrition science degree.
I will say this though… you don’t need to become a fat adapted LCHF athlete to perform at your best. Without focussing too much on what’s already out there and pointing out what’s inherently wrong with a lot of ‘them’, let’s focus on a few of the key elements that make up the new LPHR diet and how this can be implemented into your life to make you hum a little better from day to day and sleep like a baby (one that sleeps well anyway). Let's keep things simple please. There are many factors that make up a good diet. Actually, let’s scrap that word from here on out. We now say ‘way of eating’... woe for short. So, as I was saying, there are many factors that come to the party for a good woe. Let’s take a look and see if you can marry up some of these factors to help you in your day to day relationship with your woe. Environment: your physical environment, the immediate space you live in, erry day, has a large role to play in what goes in your mouth. Is your fruit bowl in a high traffic area? Or is the biscuit jar? What’s in front of you, all day, every day, is what you will eat. Most of us are pretty weak when it comes to devouring something sweet and delicious when we could have quite easily had a small handful of nuts or a piece of fruit. Am I right? Nutshell: If there’s something in your immediate vicinity and you know you can’t resist it, get it the hell out of there. Get stuff that’s good for you and have it there, handy as you like, ready to roll. Culture: the blue zones of the world (Google it) live considerably longer for a few different reasons. They eat well, they eat with friends and family often, they slow down and enjoy their food and love life a bit more in general. They stress less and exercise more. Nutshell: Turn your woe into something more closely related to the people of the blue zones- get some food culture into your life... stat. Eat more vegetables: the happiest and most long-living people of the world, eat a mainly plant based diet. High in nutrients, high in fibre, low in added sugar/salt, trans fats (vegetable oil), low in packaging. Just plain old, unadulterated, real food (95% of the time). Nutshell: ask yourself... Do I include vegetables in each meal of the day or at least two meals? Then make a decision to include a few more veggies in your day. It’s not rocket science that plant based foods are full of goodness and it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out how good this stuff is for you- EAT MORE REAL FOOD. Sustainability: for you and the planet you live on. Be realistic about your woe. Can you see yourself adhering to this woe for life? Or is this just a 12 week broccoli and chicken binge to cut and shred? Take a step back and have a look at the amount of packaged goods in your fridge/pantry. Is that sustainable for your planet? Let alone your health. Nutshell: set yourself up for a good woe. Cut back on the plastic already. Eat more vegetables and take your own bags to the fruit barn. So… without waffling anymore… LPHR for lyf! For more reading and without me re-inventing the wheel, I highly recommend you check out and adopt, at your leisure, the following woe guidelines from Brazil and the Blue Zones. Thanks for reading :-) Keep it real :-) Coach Scotty Brazil’s guidelines Blue Zones Buy more stuff from people/places like this:
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